Complaints milestones


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Mar 10, 2015
so the milestone section is for us to celebrate milestones we have reached nd well congratulate others on reaching a certain point. but lately it is being used for people to post milestones they hope to reach. this is NOT where that place is for yet I dont see any mods/admins actually doing anything about this, what the hell is going on? these are simple rules so why arent we making sure people keep themselves to these rules. please dont let this creep keep on going otherwise that section will become a dumping ground
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zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
We are aware of this and I had personally made a task to go through this after I finish work today to remove any threads that aren't celebrating a milestone or achievement. Sorry that I haven't been more proactive in this area, I shall keep this in mind for the future


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
(Meta answer incoming)

I believe the rules on this are unclear however I don't think it'll pose as much of an issue (It can't turn into more of a dump like this).

To me the rules aren't worded 100% but from my perspective here's what I'd do:
  • If the thread asks you to help them getting to that milestone by watching a video, subscribing etc.: FLAG IT for deletion
  • If the thread talks about someone's goals, encourages discussion on reaching them and isn't spammy: FLAG IT to be moved to YouTube or General Discussion.
I know I'm going the StackExchange direction again but if you feel a thread is misplaced in the section it's in ask yourself whether it would fit in the other section and encourage a discussion there rather flag it to be moved to a Discussion section.

I'll probably start flagging stuff in that section too now when I see it coming up.
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zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
thank you for your rapid response dude, really its apreciated and have a good day
Your most welcome, just glad I'm able to help. If you ever get a situation or think about how we could be doing something better please don't hesitate to either PM me or tag me in the message. Also I hope you have a great day as well :)
Sometimes I feel that people just post because they want the points to post in the media section. But I agree with you, there should be some work to either clarify or stop those who post non milestones. I believe in you mods.
That could be one reason why they do that, but we all love sharing in people's success. As mentioned above I will be taking a more active stance on this and have changed the rules accordingly to stop any posts that aren't celebrating a milestone or achievement.