My Thoughts On ; Umbrella Corps (2016)

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Jun 19, 2017 at 9:57 PM
Posted by zeke morgan
This is a short video detailing my personal views about Umbrella Corps, the third-person, tactical shooter released by Capcom in June 2016. Umbrella Corps is a multi-player based tactical shooter developed and published by Capcom for Microsoft Windows and PS4

This game offers both a single player element known as 'The Experiment' in which character is sent out into the field by the Umbrella Corporations on increasing difficult missions to test out new equipment, such as the new 'Zombie Jammer' and 'Brainer'. Whereas the multiplayer element tasks you as mercenaries from rival factions in which your main goal is to eliminate the opposition - with a surprising twist that you can play in both a first, and third person perspective. This team death match is further intensified if your zombie jammer is attacked - basically a radio that makes zombies ignore you for the most part. Umbrella Corps also offers a progression and customisation system however most customisation items are purely cosmetic.

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